LA Secretary: Natasha York

Welcome to the Scottish Borders Local Association of the EIS

Please note: The Scottish Borders Local Association telephone number is 07904 835054.  Our email address is

Scottish Borders Local Association provides local advice and support to members. Natasha York is the Scottish Borders LA Secretary and can be contacted via phone and email (see above).  Scottish Borders Local Association provides local advice and support to members.  We hold regular LA Executive meetings to discuss local matters.

In order to keep up to date with the latest news, we ask that we are kept informed of any changes to your membership or contact information. 

You can update your details by logging in to the My EIS section of the website or by emailing us on

LA Secretary's Newsletter December 2024

Dear Colleagues

In the run-up to the festive break, I just wanted to provide an update on the work that the Local Association has been doing and to signpost forthcoming events for the New Year.

Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers (LNCT)

  • Guidance for negotiating Working Time Agreements – a new local agreement has now been ratified by the LNCT and is available on the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) website, which can be accessed via this link: . This will take you to a page on the SNCT website where you can find our agreements by selecting Scottish Borders on the filter drop down menu. We are in discussions with senior education officers about organising training for implementing the new guidance.

  • Awarding Additional Salary Points for Relevant Experience – in line with the SNCT provisions, teachers who believe they have relevant experience prior to their teacher training and NQT year may apply for additional salary points. A new local agreement on the application process has been ratified by the LNCT and will shortly be available on the SNCT website. In the meantime, if you are interested in finding out more about this, please do get in touch via my contact details below. 

  • Relationships and behaviour in schools: National Action Plan on Pupil Relationships and Behaviour 2024 to 2027 – this is a standing item on the LNCT agenda, and a priority issue for the EIS in line with the Stand Up for Quality Education Campaign.

  • Cover arrangements in secondary schools – this is an ongoing concern in all secondary schools and the EIS is engaging in discussions at LNCT and separately with senior education managers to find both immediate and longer-term resolutions.

  • Principal Teacher management time in secondary schools – the LNCT has agreed to set up a sub-group to create a new local agreement with clear arrangements for calculating this.

  • Placement of NQTs – the LNCT has agreed to set up a sub-group to discuss arrangements for the placement of NQTs in given schools, to provide clarification and prevent the recurrence of confusion surrounding this process in previous years.

Other issues:

  • Changes to Microsoft 365 Licences on Glow – for those members struggling to pay for a subscription to Microsoft Office, it may be worth looking at LibreOffice. This is a private, free and open source office suite compatible with Microsoft Office 365. You can access the website here

  • Paid leave for attending union training, National Council and conferences – we have been experiencing some difficulties around this, and are hoping to resolve this through discussion with senior education managers.

Upcoming events:

  • EIS AGM 2025 – our Local Association is entitled to 4 delegates. If you are interested in being a delegate, you can access the nomination form on either the EIS national website or our Local Association website by logging in (or registering if you have not already done so). The closing date for nominations is 1 February 2025.

  • EIS Council 2025-2026 – our Local Association is entitled to 2 members. If you are interested in being a member, you can access the nomination form on the EIS national website by logging in (or registering if you have not already done so). The closing date for nominations is 1 February 2025.

  • Local Association Office Bearers and Executive Committee – if you are interested in becoming an Office Bearer or member of the Executive Committee, you can access the nomination form on either the EIS national website or our Local Association website by logging in (or registering if you have not already done so). The closing date for nominations is 1 February 2025.

If you would like further details on any of the above events, bodies or positions, please do get in touch via my contact details below and I can give you more information on how they operate and what would be involved. 

Finally I would like to wish you all a very relaxing and extremely well-deserved festive break.  

Warmest regards

 Natasha York (she/her)

Scottish Borders EIS Local Association Secretary


Mobile: 07904 835054

My union days are Tues/Wed/Thurs. I teach at St Peter’s Primary School on Mondays and Fridays.



LA Secretary's Newsletter August 2024

Dear Colleagues

Welcome back to a new academic session, and I hope you all managed to relax and enjoy the summer holidays in some way, despite the weather. 

I’m very conscious that this is my first proper newsletter since taking up my role as LA Secretary in April 2023 and can only apologise for not having got my head round this part of my role sooner. I hope to send out a newsletter once a term if possible and other bulk emails as necessary, but I don’t want to overwhelm you all with emails, as I know how busy you all are.

Just to remind you all of how our EIS Local Association works, you are all members by virtue of working in the Scottish Borders. We have an LA Executive Committee which meets once a month and the AGM for that is in March each year, at which any member of the Association can stand for election to the Committee, whether as an office-bearer or ordinary committee member. As the LA Secretary, I am generally the point of contact for school reps needing more specific advice and information, but any member can contact me directly for support as and when they need to, particularly if your school doesn’t have a rep yet. My union working days are Tues/Wed/Fri and I teach at St Peter’s Primary School on Mondays and Fridays. If a query arises which I cannot deal with, it is then passed on to Scott McCabe, who is the full-time paid EIS Area Officer for our area, or another appropriate contact at EIS HQ. My contact details are in my signature line below.

To help with organising local training, campaigning and other events, we have our EIS Area Organiser Eilidh Gittus, who for many years taught in the Scottish Borders herself and was on the LA Executive Committee as an active union rep. Eilidh’s email is and she is a great source of advice, information and support.

Information about your conditions of service can be found on our LA website at . We are planning to update and extend the information on the website over the forthcoming session, so please do check in from time to time to see what has been added. 

This session the LA Executive Committee is committed to updating and improving our existing local agreements, with a particular focus on the guidance and procedures for negotiating Working Time Agreements, as this is an area in which there is much confusion among both teachers and senior managers. The mechanism for negotiating local agreements is the Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers, which comprises members from both management and unions, and the local agreements produced by the Committee are binding on both SBC and teaching staff, so they are extremely important for protecting your terms and conditions of employment. As the LA Secretary for the largest union in the Scottish Borders, I am the Joint Secretary for this Committee, along with Justin Sinclair, the Chief Education Officer. The EIS has four members on this Committee and the SSTA has one member – we work closely together to try and ensure the best possible deal for all teachers in the Scottish Borders. The NASUWT are kept in the loop through joint union pre-meetings for the LNCT meetings.

For any members who are interested in becoming school reps or for existing reps who would like more training, the following 4-day training events are available this session:

National online 26/27 Sep 24 & 14/15 Nov 24 Deadline for nominations 13 Sep 24

Edinburgh in person 16/17 Jan 25 & 6/7 Mar 25 Deadline for nominations 3 Jan 25

Glasgow in person 6/7 Feb 25 & 20/21 Mar 25 Deadline for nominations 24 Jan 25

For any members who are interested in becoming Health & Safety reps or for existing H&S reps who would like more training, the following 2-day training events are available this session:

National online 23/24 Jan 25 Deadline for nominations 10 Jan 25

Edinburgh in person 27/28 Feb 25 Deadline for nominations 14 Feb 25

Glasgow in person 1 / 2 May 25 Deadline for nominations 18 Apr 25

Please get in touch if you are interested. There will also be local training opportunities for school reps, hosted by me and Eilidh Gittus – further details to be confirmed. 

Well done if you managed to get to the end of this email, and thank you for being a part of the EIS. Good luck for the term ahead, and remember – it’s only 7 weeks until the October break!


Warmest regards

Natasha York


Scottish Borders EIS Local Association Secretary


Mobile: 07904 835054

My union days are Tues/Wed/Thurs. I teach at St Peter’s Primary School on Mondays and Fridays.












Natasha York (EIS Borders LA Secretary) speaking about the importance of supporting our LGBTQ+ young people in schools.



Martin Christison (EIS National Council) speaking about greater transparency about PEF spending at school and local authority level.


Link for the national campaign


EIS Borders Behaviour Survey Report -





Congratulations to former EIS Scottish Borders LA Secretary, Lindsay Craig, who received a Fellowship of the EIS (FEIS) at this year's national AGM in Dundee. This honour was to recognise her dedication to the empowerment of others through her activism and service to the EIS locally and nationally. She was highly respected by colleagues on the Local Executive Committee and by the council officials she dealt with regularly.  In her many EIS roles, but especially as LA Secretary, she was always enthusiastic, reliable, well-prepared and informed and had a calm and thoughtful manner which engendered excellent working relationships with everyone. Through the most difficult times, as Covid hit hard in 2020 and 2021, Lindsay was a steadying hand locally which gave huge confidence to EIS members. She was also a strong influence at council level, to ensure effective H and S mitigations in schools. During 2022’s teacher strikes, Lindsay organised many successful events and pickets locally and in this, as everything, was a highly visible EIS presence for and with Scottish Borders EIS members. She is still involved with the EIS (even in retirement!) as she has taken on the role of the Benevolent Fund co-ordinator for Scottish Borders LA



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