Reps’ Ready Reference

Created on: 10 Jun 2020 | Last modified: 05 Apr 2023

Please find below collated links to key documents and relevant resources, for ease of reference.


Scottish Government

These documents provide a hugely useful resource in understanding the principles and associated issues regarding a re-opening of schools.

The following is included in the 28 May Scottish Government Guidance:

  • “…local trade unions should be consulted on and involved in the development of risk assessments

  • When developing local authority and school plans and risk assessments, there should be close partnership working with, and involvement of, local trade unions.

  • “In developing these local authority and school-level plans, there should be close engagement and partnership working wherever appropriate between school management teams, teaching and non-teaching staff, and trade unions (including through LNCTs).”


EIS Resources

The position on the importance of risk assessment was reinforced through the distribution of EIS Member’s Guide to Risk Assessments and Safe Working Environments, including a Safe Working Checklist.




It is important to remember that the overall objectives are to stop the transmission of COVID 19, ensure the health and welfare of staff and students, and provide ongoing educational provision.

If members are being asked to do something which does not meet these requirements, then don’t agree to it without seeking advice.


Other Resources

TUC Guidance on Pregnancy

TUC help for union reps during COVID19

Maternity Action Group

Inclusion Scotland