Created on: 10 Feb 2022 | Last modified: 10 Jan 2025
Scottish Attachment in Action will deliver this highly interactive, online course on Tuesday 28th January and 4th February, 5pm-7pm.
The course will cover:
What is attachment - understanding terms and definitions.
What are attachment disorders and how they can be witnessed in children and young people.
How attachment can be affected by factors such as societal and environmental.
Practical strategies for addressing issues of attachment in the classroom.
Please complete the online booking form to secure your place.
Please note, booking priority will be given to those living and working in the Highlands and Islands, and Argyll and Bute areas. Any remaining places will be offered closer to the date to anyone outwith these areas, so please note your interest.
This learning opportunity is funded by Scottish Union Learning (SUL). A requirement of funding is for participants to both live and work in Scotland.
Please note, these courses are funded by Scottish Union Learning (SUL). Part of the requirement of funding is the completion of basic registration forms prior to the course. For this process to happen, we request to pass on your email address to the training provider, who will keep in contact only for the purposes of delivering the course.
You will be contacted by EIS and SAIA regarding the course.