Fighting for Fair Pay

Created on: 31 Aug 2023 | Last modified: 14 Jun 2024

EIS-FELA members across Scotland should have received a fair pay award in September 2022. College Employers Scotland have so far failed to table an acceptable pay offer with assurances on job security. 

EIS-FELA will never trade jobs for pay. College Employers Scotland must work with the Scottish Government to provide a fair and fully funded pay award for college lecturers that will not result in job losses.

Following a period of Industrial Action Short of Strike (ASOS) and Strike Action, including targeted Strike Action, in 2023, a new Industrial Action Mandate in pursuit of a fair pay settlement was obtained in January 2024. A programme of ASOS (Action Short of Strike Action) and strike action, is currently underway, in order to produce the pressure to generate a fair pay offer that does not cost jobs.

Despite lengthy talks, CES were unable to enter into meaningful negotiations and could not offer enough progress in the discussions for the EIS-FELA National Representatives to consider the suspension of their upcoming strike action.

College lecturing staff across Scotland will take strike action on the following dates:









