Morning all,
Statutory Ballot Yellow Envelope
- With just over three weeks to go, the main message around the Statutory postal Ballot this week is if members haven’t yet got their yellow EIS envelope through the post, they email as a matter urgency to request their ballot papers be sent out again.
- For maximum efficiency, they should quote their name, current home postal address and membership number.
Vote and Vote Yes
- When ballot envelope arrives, we recommend members open it right away, put X in YES box, seal in enclosed prepaid freepost envelope and post back immediately
- It is crucial all members vote and vote now to make their voice heard around the question of strike action.
Glasgow No Cuts Rally: All members meeting
- This is planned for Tuesday 21st of January 6.30-8.30pm in St Georges Church, close to Buchanan Street Subway and Queen St stations. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
- Leaflet attached with Eventbrite code to book free tickets to a seat and link also here: Rally for the Schools our Children Deserve Tickets, Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 6:30 PM | Eventbrite
- Speakers include General Secretary Andrea Bradley, National Education Convenor and Head Teacher Susan Quinn, Moira Hulme Professor of Education UWS and Glasgow City Parent’s Group outgoing Chair Leanne Maguire.
- Branch meetings: Please email if a speaker would be helpful at meetings to discuss the ballot and any other items on the agenda.
- Local Training and meetings: We have an online zoom twilight BAME Network meeting starting 4.30 on Thursday 16th of January. Please use this link to join meeting: Join BAME Network Meeting here. ‘Supporting the Needs of a Classroom twilight is running here in the office on the 23rd January with details on CPD manager.
- National Reps Training: Details can be found National TUC/EIS School and H&S Reps Training Courses and next round of training starts in January. There is also Health and Safety Reps training dates when you scroll down.
- Elections: It’s this time of year again when you can stand for local Committee of Management, Office Bearer positions and National Council. Please find the nomination forms for CoM and Office Bearers here with guidance on the process. These and Council form need to be emailed in by 1st February, copying in your five EIS member nominees. Committee of Management meets on a monthly basis, usually first Thursday at 5pm, to discuss matters for LNCT, local issues and campaigns. We welcome colleagues from all sectors and encourage colleagues from across the EIS membership to stand.