Music to our ears: EIS protects Instrumental Music Tuition in Midlothian schools

Created on: 27 Feb 2025

Sustained and successful campaigning by the EIS, parents and young people, as well as local musicians has led to a reversal in cuts proposed by Midlothian Council to the authority’s Instrumental Music Service (IMS).

The proposals to slash the budget by £300,000, would have seen a reduction of almost half of the current staff in the Service, with a devastating impact on the delivery of quality instrumental music tuition for the young people in Midlothian in addition to job losses.

Midlothian EIS launched a campaign at the end of 2024 to oppose these cuts and protect funding for the Instrumental Music Service in Midlothian. A public petition was launched which gathered nearly 3,000 signatures and a public demonstration at Midlothian House in Dalkeith brought together local Instrumental Music Teachers, school pupils, trade unions and members of the public for a Christmas concert highlighting the importance of music to everyone. Numerous meetings with local councillors and MSPs showed great cross-party support for protecting vital music services locally.

Welcoming the news of the decision to remove the cuts from the budget, Phil Alexander, Local Association Joint-Secretary for Midlothian EIS said, “We would like to thank everyone who has supported this campaign; we’ve demonstrated that by the power of collective action and by working together, we have secured the ongoing delivery of quality instrumental music tuition for the children and young people in Midlothian as well as securing wins for our members.”Commenting, EIS General Secretary, Andrea Bradley said, “We welcome the news that the damaging proposals to cut Instrumental Music provision in Midlothian have been removed. The opportunity for children and young people to develop their musical talents, either through instrument or through voice, is something that many young people in our schools absolutely cherish. In addition to developing their talent, learning music also builds young people’s confidence and can have a strong positive impact on achievement, including attainment.”Ms Bradely added, “Music is not an add-on, or an extra-curricular activity, it is a core element of the school curriculum. Children and young people deserve equal opportunity to access this provision, regardless of their family’s income – a commitment which the Scottish Government made in its 2021 manifesto.”