Pay Settlement Delay Unacceptable - Statement by SNCT Teachers' Panel

Created on: 24 Jun 2024

The Teachers’ Panel of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) has met today to consider the lack of response from local authority employers, following the failure to acknowledge the Panel’s unanimous rejection of an unacceptable pay offer made at the beginning of June.

The moving of the implementation date for a pay settlement to 1st August 2024 had been previously agreed, at SNCT, by both COSLA and the Scottish Government as part of the previous teachers’ pay settlement. Following submission of the Teachers’ Panel Pay Claim in January 2024, more time than in previous pay rounds has been afforded for negotiation; however, teachers across Scotland will now, yet again, not receive a pay uplift on time.

The Teachers’ Panel is significantly concerned that the mutually agreed implementation date for a salary uplift for Scottish teachers will now not be met and is clear that further delay and prevarication, from both COSLA and the Scottish Government, in the new school year will be completely unacceptable. 

As such, the Teachers’ Panel urges both COSLA and the Scottish Government to use the summer period wisely and undertake all work required to ensure that Scottish teachers receive an appropriate pay uplift without any further delay. 


SNCT Teachers Side Chair, Des Morris commented: “The SNCT Teachers’ Panel has, for months, called on COSLA and the Scottish Government to commence meaningful negotiations on pay and avoid yet another situation where an implementation date is missed. 

This scenario is made all the more disappointing by the fact that the new date of 1st August 2024 was agreed by both COSLA and Scottish Government; it should have given more time for a settlement to be agreed. 

Any further delay in the new school year will be completely unacceptable to the SNCT Teachers’ Panel and the ball is now firmly in the court of COSLA and the Scottish Government to avoid such a position becoming a reality”.  

– Des Morris, SNCT Teachers’ Side Joint Chair


- Issued by the EIS Comms Office, acting on behalf of the SNCT Teachers’ Panel