Rejection of Employers' Side Pay Offer - Statement by SNCT Teachers' Panel

Created on: 05 Jun 2024

The Teachers’ Panel of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) has today unanimously rejected the pay offer made by COSLA on 4th June 2024.

In this formal rejection, the Teachers’ Panel was clear that a pay offer of 2%, from August 2024, followed by a further 1% in May 2025, falls far short of its expectations in relation to the restoration of the value of teachers’ pay.

The Teachers’ Panel remains deeply concerned regarding the significant erosion in the value of teachers’ pay since 2008 and notes that this would not be offset, in any way, by acceptance of an offer that would see the gap between what teachers in Scotland earn, and what they should earn had levels of pay kept in line with levels of inflation, widen to 29% (RPI) or 11% (CPI). Such a scenario would see teachers’ living standards fall further.

The short window of opportunity for a pay settlement to be agreed in time for the implementation date of August 1st 2024 is closing. As such, the Teachers’ Panel, in its rejection of the offer today, emphasises to both COSLA and the Scottish Government, the need for timeous and focused negotiations to ensure that a pay settlement, which marks a step forward in addressing the imperative of restoration of Scottish teachers’ pay, is agreed on time.


"The pay offer, made by COSLA to the Teachers’ Panel of the SNCT yesterday, simply does not begin to address the significant decline in the value of Scottish teachers’ pay since 2008. Worse than this, had this offer been accepted, the reality is that teachers’ pay would have been eroded further.

"The unanimous rejection of this unsatisfactory offer, by the SNCT Teachers’ Panel, sends a clear message to both COSLA and the Scottish Government that commitment and effort will be required to ensure that a pay settlement can be agreed by the August 1st implementation date previously agreed by all parties.

"The SNCT Teachers’ Panel remains committed to swift negotiations, however, it is imperative that any settlement agreed must mark a step forward in restoring the pay of teachers across Scotland."

– Des Morris, SNCT Teachers’ Side Joint Chair