Payments to Members Engaging in Strike Action

Created on: 25 Jan 2018 | Last modified: 15 Jul 2022


Over the period between September 2016 and February 2017 Executive Committee and Finance Sub-Committee have received a series of reports and given consideration to the current system in operation for the payment of Strike Pay, and to possible alternatives including flat rated payments or payments which are linked to the daily deduction rates applied by employers on members taking strike action. Eg 1/365, 1/260 or 1/235.

The impact of delaying commencement of Strike Pay until the third day of a dispute but increasing the percentage of support above 50% was also explored.

Executive Committee also revisited the key political imperative around strike pay which is to support members in making an informed and committed decision at the point of ballot.

To do that they need to be aware and be absolutely clear about what level of support is available and, also, what level of financial sacrifice is being asked of them. In this regard the Committee felt Strike Pay applied on a straightforward percentage of salary lost, as is currently operated, has a distinct advantage over the alternatives.

Case studies were undertaken which examined the impact the alternative methods of operating strike pay would have had on members had they applied in disputes compared to the actual payments in the disputes.

The case studies revealed that whilst each method had pros and cons the application of a single daily flat rate would, despite having a degree of clarity and equity, vary considerably in terms of offsetting the losses experienced by members according to the deduction regime operated by employers, and was therefore discounted as a viable alternative.

This paper sets out Executive Committee's recommendations for EIS provision of payments to members undertaking strike action.

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