Ensuring Support with Health and Wellbeing is Accessible for Everyone

Created on: 16 Dec 2020 | Last modified: 15 May 2024

This section provides information on services for those who may require additional support to access wellbeing services, information on understanding rights, and addressing domestic abuse.

Ready Scotland offers where to find additional support for groups such as older people, carers, and people with disabilities.

SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) provides information about mental health and the Equality Act (2010). 

www.justrightscotland.org.uk is Scotland’s legal centre for justice and human rights.

Age Scotland offers guidance on meantl health and well-being in later life.

Action in Mind - Action In Mind - Taking care of mental health

RAMH Recovery - RAMH | Recovery Across Mental Health

Saheliya, Support for women facing racial inequality - https://www.saheliya.co.uk/saheliya/contact-us/

LGBT LGBT mental health support in Scotland (lgbthealth.org.uk)

Women’s Aid Scotland - Scottish Women's Aid | (womensaid.scot)

Addressing domestic abuse

  • The TUC has developed guidance on how to spot the signs of domestic abuse and support colleagues who might be at risk or who are experiencing it.
  • In Scotland you can contact the Scottish Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline. Online chat is fully operational during this time, if you are worried about yourself or someone you know. 
  • The National Domestic Abuse Helpline offers 24-hour support on 0808 2000 247.
  • The Mental Health Foundation offers advice for those who may be at risk of or experiencing different forms of abuse at home. 
  • The charity Respect offers information and phone support to both victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.  The men’s advice line is available on: 0808 801 0327, the general phoneline is available on: 0808 802 4040.
  • Rape Crisis Scotland is offering phone, email and text support. Rape Crisis, women only helpline is operational 6pm-12am daily on 0808 801 0302.  Rape Crisis, men’s advice line is available on 0808 801 0327.
  • Safelives.org.uk offers support and resources working to end domestic abuse.