Created on: 04 Nov 2019 | Last modified: 06 Mar 2025
The EIS has produced a suite of educational packs to welcome young people from migrant and refugee families into Scottish schools.
The Welcome Packs are specific to three age ranges (P1-P4, P5-S3 and S4-S6), and are designed to inform young people and their parents of their rights as pupils/students in Scottish education and to convey a positive, welcoming message to the young people about Scotland as their new home.
The booklets included in the packs aim to give newly arrived young people and their families some information about school education in Scotland, as well as some background about Scotland itself by way of introduction to the country.
Young people will soon receive these in packs, being specially put together according to age group and which will also contain welcome gifts from the EIS and the American Federation of Teachers. Distribution and delivery of the packs to schools is being arranged in conjunction with local authorities.
The booklets are also available below for teachers to browse in the meantime and to use as necessary with young people when the hard copy packs arrive.