Mochara Goes to Nursery

Created on: 17 Jun 2024

Every year, the EIS sends out hundreds of packages with books to welcome children and young people who are newly arriving in our schools. You can find our existing Welcome Packs here.

This year, we are so pleased to include a book for the very youngest in our education system - ‘Mochara Goes to Nursery’. The story follows little Mochara on the emotional ups and downs of her first day at nursery and reassures children about what to expect - that it’s okay to be nervous, and that they will have fun and make many new friends.

To celebrate Refugee Week, EIS Ex-President Paula McEwan reads ‘Mochara Goes to Nursery’.

‘Mochara Goes to Nursery’ will soon be available to all refugee and migrant children. Distribution of all Welcome to Scotland packs are arranged directly via local authorities, who should get in touch directly with the EIS to notify us of numbers required.