SEJ December 2015

Created on: 08 Dec 2015 | Last modified: 17 Jan 2025


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When Ideology Attacks

We are now six months into the term of the majority Conservative government at Westminster and, for all of us who believe in such things as public services, the welfare state and trade unionism, the signs are that we are in for a very long and painful four and a half years ahead...Page 8

Engaging with your Union

Since becoming EIS President in June, Pat Flanagan has been active at meetings and events throughout Scotland, representing the views of members on the key challenges facing Scottish education today. Here, Pat looks back over his first six months in office and highlights the issues that members have been raising across the country...Page 10

The National Improvement Framework

Education Secretary Angela Constance, writing exclusively for the SEJ, outlines the Scottish Government's view on how the National Improvement Framework can help to close the attainment gap and EIS Education Convener Susan Quinn outlines the EIS position on NIF and highlights specific concerns over the proposed return to National Testing...Page 12

 EIS-FELA Special Conference Report

Over 70 delegates from 18 colleges braved Storm Abigail to attend the EIS-FELA Special Conference in Glasgow on 13 November to discuss management's 1% pay offer and the progress to date of National Bargaining...Page 14

Improving Your Pension

EIS Assistant Secretary Drew Morrice and Chris Bain of EIS Financial Services look at the possible steps that members can take to improve their future pension benefits...Page 24