SEJ Oct 2015

Created on: 05 Oct 2015 | Last modified: 17 Jun 2024

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In this issue:

Opposing the Anti-Trade Union Bill

One of the first pieces of legislation introduced by the conservative Government at Westminster was its Trade Union Reform Bill. The EIS is working with a broad coalition of organisations to fight the Bill and its damaging implications. Here, the SEJ looks at some of the threats contained within the Bill and highlights how members can play their part in opposing and defeating the attack on workers' rights...(Page 8)


Face up to Child Poverty

The EIS has issued new advice to schools and colleges on how to 'poverty-proof' learning and teaching in the classroom. The advice, contained in a new booklet entitled Face up to Child Poverty, is available in all schools and colleges...(Page 10)  


No Return to National Testing

The Scottish Government has set out its intention to develop a National Improvement Framework (NIF) with a declared objective to improve outcomes for every learner. Within the debate surrounding this proposal, a particular focus has developed around the issue of standardised testing, and the role that these might play within an improvement framework. This article looks at the EIS view on the National Improvement Framework for Scottish education...(Page 14) 


False Economy of Cuts in Home Economics Provision

Morag Mackinnon, a Principal Teacher of Food Technology from Argyll & Bute, explores the national difficulty in securing teaching staff for Home Economics departments and outlines possible strategies to address the challenge...(Page 21) 


Instrumental Music - A Shared Vision for the Future

A major joint instrumental music conference was recently held in Glasgow - a first of its kind organised jointly by the EIS, Creative Scotland, HITS and the Scottish Government. The conference brought together music organisations and educators to discuss instrumental music education in Scotland. Here, the SEJ looks back at some of the conference highlights...(Page 22)  



A new MyGTCS support system for Professional Update will be launched in November 2015. The upgraded system will offer improved layout and enhanced functionality; an upgraded Professional Reflective Learning Record; new search and share functions and better links to the standards...(Page 18)