Created on: 06 Jun 2023
Q1. What is involved in taking action short of strike action?
Action short of strike would consist of a "resulting boycott" and a withdrawal of goodwill (including stopping out-of-hours emails).
If a subsequent statutory ballot is held, further information will be provided to members on the process and procedures for taking action short of strike in these circumstances.
Q2. How long will any action last for?
This has yet to be decided. At the moment, we are only running a consultative ballot on whether members are willing to take industrial action. Further information will be provided should the EIS FELA branch at D&A College move to a statutory ballot for industrial action.
Any industrial action could only commence following an industrial action mandate obtained by a statutory ballot. For the avoidance of any doubt, a mandate requires a minimum turnout of 50%.
Q3.How do I find out more information?
Keep visiting the EIS website for the most up-to-date information, or speak to your EIS FELA Representatives, Branch Secretary, Organisers or Area Officer.