Equality Reps Courses

Created on: 15 Oct 2014 | Last modified: 07 Jun 2024

EIS Equality Reps must undertake training which is carried out by the TUC. 

The module covers the equality agenda broadly as it applies to teachers and how Equality Reps fit within EIS structures.

The course is carried out over four separate days and on completion the Equality Rep will have an SCQF Level 6 qualification.

Training takes place online and runs from 9:30-16:00 on each day.


Local Associations and Branches who do not currently have an Equality Rep in post or in training are particularly encouraged to identify a member to take part in the next round of Stage 1 training (dates TBC).

Further details about becoming an EIS Equality Rep can be found here. If you would like any further information, please contact Natalie Carroll.