Created on: 19 Apr 2007 | Last modified: 23 Aug 2022
Additional Support Needs in the Further Education Sector
22 November 2022The EIS-FELA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the consultation document considering ‘The College of the Future’ and has the following comments to offer:
29 January 2020EIS Response to the Scottish Funding Council’s Consultation On ‘The Widening Access and Retention Fund’.
31 October 2019Academic Years are based on units of weeks which causes the phenomenon of Calendar Drift.
04 March 2015The reorganisation of Scottish FE along the lines of merger, federation and collaboration may require branches to either amend their branch rules or develop bespoke practices.
26 March 2013Recognition and Procedures Agreement between the Board of Management of the College and The Educational Institute of Scotland/Further Education Lecturers Association (College Branch)
26 March 2013Any member who has an open ended contract (aka permanent) or has been on a series of fixed term contracts with similar hours, and is then asked to reduce his or her hours has a choice, to accept or reject the proposed hours.
30 August 2012Scottish FE is in flux due to significant cuts and structural change – that seem to be evolving on an ad hoc basis within regions. There is an on-going process of college reorganisation which involves merger, federation or collaboration (MFC).
09 July 2012This paper has been developed to assist local negotiations and provide a context which EIS-FELA negotiators can submit for consideration by local Joint Negotiating Committees (JNCs).
28 May 2007The aim of this document is to assist colleges to achieve standards of good practice in work-life balance by implementing comprehensive and effective local policies.
23 April 2007This advice sets out the framework in which EIS-FELA would expect to see student complaints dealt with. The main focus of this advice is to ensure that staff are adequately provided for, supported and appropriately treated by their employer.
23 April 2007The purpose of this guidance is to set out EIS-FELA priorities for the School/College partnership which ensures lecturing staff are protected from exploitation and that all those teaching on the partnership programme have the necessary qualifications.
23 April 2007Use of computers, email and the internet has long been widespread in higher education and increasingly so in further education.
23 April 2007If the EIS can demonstrate that the majority of Scotland’s lecturers choose to voluntarily register with the GTC(S) it can argue more easily for GTC(S)’s statutory remit to be extended.
23 April 2007As the recognised trade union for lecturing staff in every college in Scotland, the EISFELA expects that every college will have an EIS-FELA member elected to the Board of Management.
23 April 2007Education and Training Policy and Procedure, Stress at Work Policy and Procedure, Personal and Domestic Leave, Family and Parental Leave Policy and Procedure.
23 April 2007The aim of this memorandum is to re-affirm effective co-operation between the ASC and the STUC.
23 April 2007This guidance is aimed at providing practical advice on how to tackle violence and aggression at work and the College procedures necessary for dealing with violence and aggression towards further education lecturing staff.
22 April 2007EIS-FELA branch officers have an important role to play in ensuring that stress is tackled in the workplace and that a trade union approach is adopted to ensuring that the causes of stress on the workplace are identified and eliminated.
22 April 2007The current EIS-FELA policy on classroom observation is clear and unambiguous. This guidance sets out acceptable means of evaluating the learning experience of students.
22 April 2007It is the right of every member of staff to work or study without fear of harassment or victimisation. EIS-FELA recognises the problems associated with harassment.
22 April 2007During the years since incorporation most, if not all, Further Education Colleges in the sector have undergone structural change. This change is usually a direct result of financial difficulties.
22 April 2007Permanisation of Lecturing Staff: Guidance for Branch Negotiators. The Regulations prevent fixed term employees being treated less favourably than similar permanent employees, and limit the use of successive fixed term contracts.
22 April 2007This policy details guidance specifically on the access/inclusion of Special Educational Needs (SEN) Students in FE Colleges.
22 April 2007