Secretary duties

  • Carry out all decisions of the Executive Committee
  • Provide the support for members and educational establishments
  • Ensure that local and national agreements are adhered to at all times
  • Liaise with the EIS nationally and with other Local Associations
  • Ensure that due notice of all general meetings is notified to all educational establishments
  • Ensure that the terms of the national and local constitutions are adhered to at all times
  • Ensure that all returns to the General Secretary are submitted timeously
  • Maintain a strategic overview of educational policy and developments within Fife
  • Support the other Office Bearers in a collegiate way

Assistant Secretary Duties

  • To take the minute of the LA Executive Committee and to prepare it within a week of the meeting so that it can be acted on
  • To take the minutes of sub-committees of the LA Executive Committee
  • To take the minutes of the JCG, LNCT and JNCF (if a delegate) and to prepare these for the Executive Committee
  • To assume responsibility for the preparation and timeous issue of all papers for the standing committees and for those of the Authority on which we are represented. Where appropriate, to arrange pre-meetings for Authority committee members to discuss issues and tactics
  • To prepare papers and arrange bookings for any SIGs, Open Meetings, and Reps meetings
  • To ensure that any required communications with other teacher organisations are sent out
  • To ensure that all routine returns to HQ are made timeously – AGM Motions, nominations etc
  • To prepare an Office Report for the LA Executive Committee meetings

The Assistant Secretary would coordinate this work with the Secretary who still carries overall responsibility for any problems. The duties of the Assistant Secretary are determined primarily by the Secretary, but this can be done on a collegiate basis. 

President Duties

  • Chair the meetings of the LA Executive Committee
  • Chair meetings of the LA Sub-Committees (where this is appropriate)
  • Chair meetings of the teachers' side of the Fife Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers (LNCT)
  • Lead the teachers' side at meetings of the LNCT
  • Chair meetings of the teachers’ side of the Joint Negotiating Committee (JCG)
  • Lead the teachers' side at meetings of the JCG
  • Chair Association general meetings
  • Liaise with the Secretary

Vice-President Duties

  • Substitute for President, as appropriate, at meetings of the Local Association
  • Substitute for President, as appropriate, at meetings with the authority
  • Ensure recruitment and retention of members

Treasurer Duties

  • Inform and ensure any decision to modify the local subscription (within the subscription levels approved by the Council of the Institute)
  • Ensure the provision, before the agreed date, of a certified copy of the accounts of the Local Association for the immediately preceding financial year
  • Maintain the financial running of the Local Association
  • Liaise with the Secretary

Publicity Officer Duties

  • Present the public face of the Local Association
  • Scrutinise local and national media
  • Prepare press/media releases
  • Liaise with local media
  • Liaise with national media
  • Liaise with national Press Officer