Welcome to Fife EIS

We would like to welcome probationer teachers in all sectors to Fife and to the EIS. We are here to provide help and support so don't forget to find out who your school EIS rep is and look out for notices about our Open Meetings which are open to all members.

Probationer Teaching Time

The GTCS Guidelines give this in terms of full time equivalent. Class Contact Time is 0.82FTE over the course of the year, with the recommendation that it is no more than 0.8 FTE until Easter.

Class Contact Time should include any registration class time in a secondary school if a probationer chooses to undertake such a task. You are entitled to time to meet with your supporter as well as attend centrally organised CPD events.

There is no formal Fife Policy covering Probationers so the GTCS guidance is the main source of information.

EIS Membership

Remember that your student membership is no longer valid, but as a probationer, your membership continues to be free until the December after your induction year is completed.

However, you must complete a probationer membership form and send it to EIS HQ to ensure you can enjoy the full benefits of EIS membership during your probation.

You can also join online.


If you need advice or support, please do not hesitate to contact the school rep or the Fife office as soon as possible.