Created on: 10 Mar 2022
The deep inequalities in Scottish society have been laid bare by the experience of the past two years.
Investment in education for equity, particularly in the context of Covid-19 and the impact that it has had on the learning of the most disadvantaged young people
Universal provision of free school meals (including over holiday periods) and breakfast clubs for all Nursery and school-aged children
Access to digital hardware and broadband for all pupils to help tackle digital poverty
Accessible, local, publicly funded support services for pupils – including CAMHS, speech therapy, health etc
Free and equitable access to school clubs and sports for all pupils
Progress on and resourcing of the commitment to free instrumental tuition for all pupils who wish it - an end to IMT staffing cuts and waiting lists for children and young people
Prioritisation of equality to create safe, equitable, inclusive, and non- discriminatory environments for all staff and students
Reversal of cuts to EAL provision and an expansion across Councils of this vital service