July 07

Created on: 02 Jul 2024

National Bargaining Bulletin 2nd July 2024

No progress likely before our ballot result! Please vote Now!

YES to Strike Action
YES to Action Short of Strike Action

  • The NJNC met on Tuesday the 7th of July. We indicated that we remained ready to negotiate should they be mandated to table an improved offer.
  • The Management side indicated that they had not changed their current position.
  • We took an adjournment to discuss this. It was clear that there was no scope for further movement at this time.
  • Whilst the Joint Secretaries will continue to have dialogue to seek a resolution there will be no NJNC meeting until after we have received our ballot result.
  • A strong result will renew our negotiationg strength and lead to a favourable resolution.
  • We urge all members to ensure that they have returned their ballots by Monday 22nd July (please allow a few days for postal delays)

You should have received your postal ballot, if not please contact ballot@eis.org.uk

It is important that every member votes, if we fail to meet the threshold this could necessitate a re-ballot and a temporary loss of ASOS and a further delay in reaching a satisfactory resolution.

Please vote YES to Strike Action and YES to Action Short of Strike Action.

Please contact your MSPs and ensure that they are urging the Government to put pressure on College Employers Scotland to put a fair offer on the table!

For hardship fund applications please visit our website. 

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