SNCT is a tripartite body comprising members from teaching organisations, Local Authorities, and the Scottish Government.
The 2001 teachers' agreement, A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century, introduced a new negotiating framework for teachers' pay and conditions of service.
The SNCT is chaired jointly by representatives from each side
They are supported by 3 Joint Secretaries:
The SNCT recently merged the 2 standing working groups Conditions of Service and the Review of Local Negotiating Committees into the SNCT Support Group.
The Pay and Conditions of Service for teachers and associated professionals employed by Scottish Councils is set out in the SNCT Handbook of Conditions of Service.
The Handbook came into effect on 1 August 2007 and has been issued to LNCT Joint Secretaries. From 1 August 2007 the Handbook replaced the current Conditions of Service and all previously issued SNCT Circulars.