PACT - Information Session

Created on: 27 Aug 2024

As part of the EIS’s plans and preparations to re-offer our PACT Programme and build upon the EIS’s anti-poverty work and equity related professional learning, we are currently seeking to recruit and train new EIS PACTivists in every Local Authority. 

An information session will take place online on Thursday the 12th of September from 4pm – 5pm. This session is intended to share further information about the PACT Programme, provide an update of the EIS plans for PACT going forward, and to support EIS members who are interested in becoming one of our new PACTivists in the not-too-distant future.

Please sign-up for the event using the registraion link here.

For those who may wish to be involved with our PACT Programme but are unable to attend the information session, please advise John Harris and we will get in touch directly with further information.