A working Time Agreement (WTA) is a collective agreement reached at school level between the trade union(s) and the Headteacher.

Once negotiations are completed, the WTA is signed off as agreed by the Rep and Headteacher.

The agreement at this point is binding on all staff. EIS Reps represent the views of members in the EIS branch and each year the branch should come together to review the previous year’s WTA and collectively decide on changes needed for the forthcoming year.

Your EIS Renfrewshire Local Association can offer guidance to schools on agreeing a WTA. All Renfrewshire agreements can be found on the LNCT website

The training below was delivered by EIS Area Officer Stephen McCrossan. If you have any questions around WTA’s, then contact your EIS Local Association Secretaries Maggie Russell and Kenny Fella.  

If you would like an EIS Organiser to visit your school to discuss WTA’s then please contact Suki Sangha.