Teachers Panel Statement - August 2024

Created on: 23 Aug 2024

The Teachers’ Panel of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) met today to consider the lack of a revised pay offer from local authority employers in the 2024/25 pay negotiations, despite assurances previously given that all efforts were being made to reach a timeous agreement and ensure that the settlement would be paid to teachers on time. 

The Teachers’ Panel submitted its 2024/25 pay claim in January 2024. However, the new 1st August 2024 salary uplift implementation date for Scottish teachers, previously agreed by both COSLA and the Scottish Government, has now passed.

Since January, COSLA has only tabled one offer, completely lacking in credibility, that was unanimously rejected by the Teachers’ Panel on 5th June 2024.

Any further delay in making a revised offer, which recognises and begins to meaningfully address the real terms decline in the value of teachers’ pay, following the meeting of COSLA Leaders on 30th August 2024 is completely unacceptable, and the Teachers’ Panel has today unanimously decided that if no further offer is made by 12 noon on Monday 2nd September, a formal dispute will be declared.

The Teachers’ Panel urges both COSLA and the Scottish Government to avoid this escalation by undertaking all work necessary to table a credible pay offer for Scottish teachers without delay.

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