Research and Further Reading Resources

Created on: 19 Nov 2019 | Last modified: 15 May 2024

The EIS is committed to highlighting the importance of teacher health and well-being, alongside that of children and young people.

Part of the Stand up for Quality Education - SU4QE - campaign on ‘violence and aggression’ includes a survey sent to schools. The full report and recommendations are now available: Violence & Aggression Branch Survey Report and Campaigning Recommendations: Full Report November 2023. 

Education Support has recently published the 2023 Teacher Wellbeing Index, covering topics such as stress, workplace culture, symptoms of stress, and feeling supported at work.

The EIS has produced a report entitled Value education, value teachers membership survey report 2019, which draws on 12,250 surveys completed by eligible members. Previous editions are also available.

NHS Health Scotland's Evidence for Action Team has produced a report entitled Supporting teachers' mental health and wellbeing: Evidence Review (2020). The review examines what works to support the mental health and wellbeing of teachers.  

Barnardo’s has produced a paper entitled Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of education staff through professional supervision structures.

Scotland's Teachers: Working Conditions and Wellbeing a report produced in 2017, available via the EIS website outlines the conditions that can cause stress, and measures, such as peer support, that can help alleviate it.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has produced a report exploring the costs of mental ill-health for individuals, employers and society at large: OECD Fit Mind, Fit Job. From Evidence to Practice in Mental Health and Work.

The Education Scotland National Improvement Hub hosts a wealth of information resources on health and wellbeing, such as:

The Scottish Health and Wellbeing Improvement Network - SHINE produces briefings and reports on wellbeing.

Glasgow Centre for Population Health’s  Health and early years, children and young people – a GCPH synthesis is a report on factors that affect health inequalities.

The Centre for Mental Health works to drive changes in mental health policy and practice – access blogs, campaigns and mental health focused resources on their website.

Public Health Scotland’s Children and young people policy and legislative map.

The Mental Health Foundation provides blogs on different aspects of wellbeing in education, such as:

MIND offers accessible definitions of a range of mental health experiences: Types of mental health problems - Mind