Employment Relations Motions & Amendments 22-24

Created on: 28 May 2012 | Last modified: 16 Feb 2023


22. Glasgow Local Association
 "That this AGM instruct Council to investigate the impact of the UK government’s proposals to deregulate existing Health and Safety protections in the workplace and to organise a campaign to resist any deterioration in staff and pupil’s health and safety at work.”



23. Glasgow Local Association
 "That this AGM instruct Council to:
(a) highlight the impact of work-related stress in schools and colleges;
(b) promote and support the use of HSE Stress Management Standards via Local Association Secretaries and school representatives;
(c) campaign through the STUC for regulations or a code of practice to prevent work-related stress."



24. Midlothian Local Association
 "That this AGM:
(a) condemn the abuse and harassment of teaching staff that occurs via the internet and social networking sites; and
(b) instruct Council to lobby the UK Government to create robust protections which require Internet Service Providers and social networking sites operating in the UK to block the sites immediately upon receipt of reports of such abuse and harassment  and thereafter remove, following investigation, all such materials.”
