Conditions of Service (National and Local Agreements)


The SNCT (Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers) is a tripartite negotiating body whose constituent members are drawn from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), the Scottish Government and the recognised trade unions representing teachers in Scotland. The principal purpose of the SNCT is to negotiate collective agreements on salaries and conditions of service that assist the development of a highly skilled and motivated teaching profession.

The SNCT Handbook contains the National Scheme of Salaries and Conditions of Service for Teachers and Associated Professionals. The National Scheme applies to all teachers and associated professionals and those employees on part-time or temporary contracts will be treated in same way as employees on full-time or permanent contracts



Under the terms of the 2001 Agreement, A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century, certain matters were devolved to Local Negotiating Committees for Teachers for local agreement. No LNCT can alter conditions of employment contained within the National Scheme nor can it vary a national agreement reached within the SNCT. All local agreements on devolved matters must be reported to the SNCT.

Scottish Borders LNCT Agreements can be found here