Glasgow Ballot: Reverse the cuts

Created on: 15 Jan 2025

Glasgow members, have you voted in the ballot?

The Glasgow ballot against cuts to teacher numbers is now open!

Look out for the yellow envelope arriving in the post and cast your vote today.

If you have not received your ballot paper, please email with your name, workplace and full address as soon as possible and we will arrange for another ballot paper to be sent to you.

The Dispute 

The EIS is calling for Glasgow City Council to reverse its proposal to cut 450 teaching posts over three-years. The loss of jobs vital to Education provision in Glasgow will irreparably damage the life chances of many of the city’s young people and most especially those with additional support needs.

Already 45 of Glasgow's Primary Schools will see all teachers fully class committed with only the Head Teacher available to provide support for all pupils, staff and parents. This will mean there is little or no capacity for small group or one to one provision for those pupils in most need of nurture, literacy and numeracy support.

Fewer teachers in the Secondary sector where pupil rolls are increasing will undoubtedly lead to larger class sizes which will see a dramatic reduction in teachers’ ability to attend to the needs of their most vulnerable pupils. The steady erosion of funding to Education in Glasgow has impacted on our ASN sector with young people who have complex needs being placed in schools not designed to meet those needs.

The EIS Executive is advising all members to Vote and Vote Yes in this important ballot. 

It is crucial all members vote and vote now to make their voice heard around the question of strike action.  

Glasgow No Cuts Rally: All members meeting

A member meeting and rally is planned for Tuesday 21st of January at 6.30-8.30pm in St Georges Church, close to Buchanan Street Subway and Queen St stations. All EIS members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Members are able to book free tickets to a seat here.

Speakers at the event include General Secretary Andrea Bradley, National Education Convenor and Head Teacher Susan Quinn, Moira Hulme Professor of Education UWS and Glasgow City Parent’s Group outgoing Chair Leanne Maguire.