Working Time Agreements (WTA)

This is the mechanism that is used to help to manage teacher workload. See LNCT/12 for more details.

Annually, from the start of term 4, School Reps should begin the process of discussing the WTA for the next session. Reps should meet with members to discuss how effectively the allocated time met their working needs during the current session. The priorities for the coming year should also be discussed.

The meetings with management are to enable an agreement to be reached on the allocation of collegiate hours for the next session. Remember that the school calendar should be part of the negotiations and it is finalised when the WTA is signed.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Fife office if:

  • You would like examples of WTAs
  • Advice on any aspect of the process
  • A visit from an Office Bearer with the rep or to a branch meeting to help with the process

Facility time for EIS reps

What time off am I entitled to?

You are entitled to time off for trade union duties on the basis of the number of members in your branch as follows:

  • 4-20 members – 40 minutes a week
  • 21-40 members- 60 minutes a week
  • over 40 - 80 minutes a week.

There is also time available for reps' meetings (which are held normally in term 2 and term 4), and reps' training days. 


School representatives are elected annually in February.

Contact the Fife office if:

  • your school rep has changed, or you have no rep in the school
  • you need any help with organising elections or meetings


Training for new reps is usually organised every two years by the Local Association. The Fife office will email out details to reps when a training event is planned.