EIS-FELA Parliamentary Briefing

Created on: 04 Apr 2024

This MSP briefing is an update to the previous EIS-FELA Pay Dispute 2022/23 briefing sent to MSPs last September. 

EIS-FELA members across Scotland should have received a fair pay award in September 2022. College Employers Scotland have so far failed to table an acceptable pay offer with assurances on job security, EIS-FELA will never trade jobs for pay.

The Scottish Government must be convinced to ensure that College Employers Scotland can facilitate a fully funded pay award, one that meets the expectations of the professional lecturing staff in Scotland.

The EIS and EIS-FELA urge all MSPs to play their part in applying pressure on the Scottish Government to intervene with a funding package that will deliver a decent pay settlement for college lecturers, consistent with its public sector pay policy, whilst protecting jobs and ensuring continuity of course provision for students.

EIS FELA briefing doc

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Contact National Officer (Further Education) Garry Ross for further information.