Education (Scotland) Bill

Created on: 09 Sep 2024 | Last modified: 11 Sep 2024

The Education Committee has responded to the Education, Children and Young People’s Committee’s Call for Views on the Education (Scotland) Bill, highlighting concerns that the Bill does not go far enough in seeking to deliver a new qualifications agency and a truly independent Inspectorate, as envisaged by both the OECD in its review of Curriculum for Excellence and the Muir Report.

Failure to separate the accreditation and regulatory functions and the awarding function of the new Qualifications Scotland and to ensure that there will be genuine and meaningful participation of teaching professionals at all levels of governance in the new Qualifications Scotland, will do little to restore the trust and confidence in our qualifications system which is so badly needed and begs the question whether this is an exercise in rebranding, rather than genuine education reform.

Whilst the creation of a new office of His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland is welcome, the involvement of the Scottish Government in the appointment procedures of Inspectors, in determining their terms and conditions of employment and in aspects of the inspection process raises questions as to whether the structural changes proposed will deliver an inspectorate which is truly independent of government.

The Institute will continue to press for the reform of the national bodies which is so urgently needed and overwhelmingly called for, as the Bill passes through the Scottish Parliament. 

The Education Committee’s full response on the Bill can be read here.