SQA Assessment Arrangements FAQs

Created on: 09 Sep 2024 | Last modified: 11 Sep 2024

In response to secondary members’ concerns around excessive workload associated with gathering evidence for SQA Assessment Arrangements (AAs),  the EIS has engaged with SQA to clarify its expectations around AA evidence.

Subsequently, the SQA has published an Assessment Arrangements FAQ which can also be accessed via SQA News, 22nd August 2024 (available from your SQA coordinator.)

The underpinning principle is that centres must ensure AAs are provided to learners only where there is evidence of need. Members should refer to the document itself for definitive and detailed guidance but we would highlight the following points:

  • Assessing learners twice, supported and unsupported, is not a requirement;

  • Streamlined approaches to evidence gathering, based on cross-departmental liaison, are appropriate;

  • Year-on-year evidence-gathering for individual learners, as a default approach, is not required;

  • There are no impacts on learners’ assessment arrangements where a centre fails the SQA audit.

 Members are urged to familiarise themselves with the FAQs and to table these at the appropriate departmental/faculty meetings. Where members are concerned that current school approaches to AAs drive excess workload, the school EIS branch should approach management with a view to reviewing procedures in light of the FAQs.