Stand Up for Quality Education Campaign
Our SU4QE campaign continues on several levels. Since the New Year we have met Parliamentarians and engaged with the Scottish Government; we are continuing to analyse national ASN data, and have prepared to raise campaign issues at the forthcoming STUC Congress. All Local Associations continue to campaign locally and are preparing SU4QE action plans for their work. Our fight to protect instrumental music tuition goes on and we have recently opened a ballot for industrial action in Glasgow to fight against cuts to teacher numbers.
Our national member online survey is open. It is aimed at all members working in school or covered by the SNCT agreement (i.e. associated professionals).
The Executive Committee is keen to hear from members on issues related to workload pressures, member health and wellbeing to inform our SU4QE campaign.
The survey also includes questions in a range of areas that relate to several resolutions passed by members our last AGM.
Members are encouraged to complete the survey in order help with our campaigning. Many thanks to those who have already submitted their views. The survey is open until 31st January.
Glasgow Local Association Ballot
EIS Glasgow has opened a statutory ballot for strike action in Glasgow schools, as Glasgow City Council has not announced the reversal of teacher cuts in Glasgow, despite a national agreement between COSLA and the Scottish Government to maintain teacher numbers at 2023 levels.
The ballot, which opened on the 6th of January, will be a key test of the recently announced agreement to return teacher numbers to 2023 levels.
Further information can be found on our website.
Messages of support can be sent to LA Secretary Jane Gow at glasgowla@eis.org.uk
On the 18th of December, the Scottish Parliament agreed the general principles of the Education (Scotland) Bill which aims to replace the SQA with a new qualifications body and to create a new independent Inspectorate.
However, a number of concerns, highlighted by the EIS in our evidence, were raised in the debate: that the Bill fails to guarantee that teacher professional voice will be central to the new Qualifications Scotland, and that the body will be accountable to the profession; that, contrary to the recommendations of the Muir Review, accreditation and regulation will continue to sit with the qualifications body, allowing it to effectively “mark its own homework”; and that the new Inspectorate lacks sufficient independence. This suggests that significant amendments to the Bill will be required prior to the next stage of its progress if it is to enable real change and thereby retain support.
The EIS will continue to make representations to ensure that any legislation - accompanied by the necessary cultural change – provides the underpinning for genuine Education reform.
LGBT History Month 2025 Event: Stories of Section 2A/28 at Glasgow Women's Library
The EIS will mark LGBT History Month by launching our Stories of Section 2A teaching resource and film, in collaboration with the Time for Inclusive Education Campaign. The event will include food, refreshments and time to socialise. Places for this event are limited. Members are encouraged to sign up on our website.
Guidance Note on LGBT Inclusive Education
An EIS “Into Teaching” webinar for teachers in their first five years, who are working towards their Professional Update will be advertised soon. We hope to have speakers from the GTCS, Education Scotland and the EIS to give advice and answer members’ questions.
Are you a Probationer Teacher? - EIS Membership and Support
EIS Financial Services plans to support members in 2025
EIS Financial Services, originally established by the Educational Institute of Scotland was acquired by Cornmarket Insurance Services in 2020. As your union’s preferred partner, we provide financial advice for EIS members & their families.
Financial Education
In 2025, EIS Financial Services will deliver a series of webinars co-hosted with EIS and Better with Money, with content that’s relevant to all members:
New to Teaching: Managing the cost of living; Money saving tips; Prioritising your debt; and Your key to home ownership
Mid-career: Homebuying and remortgaging; Money matters in divorce and separation; and Financial Empowerment for Women
Thinking about retiring: Retirement in sight; You - thoughts and emotions around retirement; Money - how to prepare and understanding state & private pensions; and Health - mind and body
Communications about EIS Financial Services member services will only be circulated by EIS to members who have given consent for them.
Visit MyEIS to give consent to receive communications on these upcoming webinars.