Whilst there is some variability within the Independent School Sector, teachers there and in the state sector generally:
- Deliver teaching and learning based on Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence;
- Use similar pedagogies and teaching resources;
- Plan, deliver and assess pupil learning
- Support pupils with ASN, promote emotional health and well-being, including developing self-esteem and providing opportunities to maximise independence;
- Work in collaboration with multi-professional and multi-agency teams;
- Deliver SQA Qualifications and Assessments;
- Work in schools that are subject to Education Scotland (HMIe) inspections
- Need to be GTCS Registered and maintain that registration;
- Work in schools that provide experiences for probationer teachers that are similar to the GTCS Teacher Induction Scheme
- Are subject to disciplinary, grievance, capability and redundancy procedures that have the legal right to be accompanied by a trade union representative, even if the school does not formally recognise any trade union
- Have similar pay and conditions of service to SNCT pay and conditions; and
- National policies and practices are often implemented in independent schools.
Possible differences between Independent and State School Teachers in Scotland: