Created on: 19 Dec 2024 | Last modified: 10 Jan 2025
Join us for two online workshops, Tuesday 21st Jan and 18th Feb, 5.30pm-7.30pm, led by May Millward and Heather Zajac from Scottish Mediation exploring tools for addressing behaviour in the classroom.
Over the two workshops we will consider the causes of conflict and challenging behaviour and why it can escalate. We will discuss techniques used by mediators that can be used to avoid issues developing and how to manage conflict when it does arise.
The workshops are participative and will give the opportunity to reflect on current skills and share good practice.
It is recommended that you attend both sessions as the second workshop will build on topics introduced in the first.
Please book your place via the online booking form.
Please note, booking priority will be given to those living and working in the Highlands and Islands, and Argyll and Bute areas. Any remaining places will be offered closer to the date to anyone outwith these areas, so please note your interest.
This learning opportunity is funded by Scottish Union Learning (SUL). A requirement of funding is for participants to both live and work in Scotland.
A further requirement is the completion of basic registration forms prior to the course. For this process to happen, we request to pass on your email address to the training provider, who will keep in contact only for the purposes of delivering the course. You will be contacted by the EIS and Scottish Mediation regarding the course.