Equality Motions

Created on: 30 May 2024 | Last modified: 07 Jun 2024



25. Council

That this AGM note that groups who are at higher risk of experiencing inequality and discrimination due to their protected characteristics, may need tailored support that is informed by an understanding of inequality related trauma.

That this AGM calls on Council to:

  • Develop a project to support the mental health and wellbeing of disabled, neurodivergent, LGBT, BAME and women members.
  • Develop guidance for members on the impact of inequality and discrimination, on mental health and wellbeing.
  • Develop learning resources on prejudice-based violence and aggression in schools.


26. Council

That this AGM stand in solidarity with all marginalised communities affected by inequality, affirming that all learners have a right to learn, and teachers and lecturers have a right to work in an educational establishment that is free from discrimination and harassment, where they can be themselves and flourish equally.

This AGM reaffirms:

  • Its support for a self-declaration system for gender recognition and for the process to be made more accessible, recognising the detrimental impact of the current process on transgender people's mental health and wellbeing.
  • That transgender people have the right to access services and education in a manner that upholds their human rights, and is fully inclusive of their needs.
  • That transgender people should be treated according to their gender identity, as far as possible – with their wellbeing, safety, and rights at the centre of associated decision making.
  • That schools and teachers require clear guidance and CLPL, in the context of divisive and toxic misinformation about transgender people, to give them confidence in upholding GIRFEC for transgender learners.

This AGM therefore calls on Council to:

  • Join the TUC Trade Union Alliance for Trans and Non-Binary Rights.
  • Develop professional learning for members on supporting transgender learners and staff.
  • Develop guidance to support schools and teachers in addressing the spread of misinformation in relation to transgender people.


27. Glasgow Local Associaton

That this AGM vehemently opposes all forms of discrimination including antisemitism, racism and Islamophobia, and totally condemns any attempt to use the conflict in Palestine and Israel to promote them. 


28. Glasgow Local Association

That this AGM call on Council to campaign for improved awareness and provision of reasonable adjustments for teachers with disabilities across the country including those with 'invisible disabilities' such as neurodivergence and long-term mental health issues.

Amendment EIS-FELA

After "adjustments for teachers" add "and lecturers".


29. Renfrewshire Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to investigate and report on:

  • the number of disabled teachers
  • the number of part-time teachers occupying promoted posts;

and to campaign to improve the prospects for those teachers if the investigation finds that they are under-represented in promoted roles.

Amendment Edinburgh Local Association

Insert "occupying promoted posts" after "disabled teachers".
