Employment Relations Motions

Created on: 30 May 2024 | Last modified: 19 Jun 2024



44. Stirling Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to set up a National EIS Health and Safety Representatives Network.


45. Stirling Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to investigate and report on the extent to which employers allow nominated Health and Safety representatives access to requested documents and  accident reports, freely or otherwise, in accordance with The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977, specifically Regulation 7.

Further, this motion calls on the EIS to share examples of good practice where these are found with all Local Associations.


46. Edinburgh Local Association

That this AGM note the rising levels of mental ill-health among EIS members seeking advice and support, and resolve to:

  1. offer appropriate training to all EIS reps, Local Association Secretaries, Benevolent Fund Correspondents and members of Local Association Executive Committees in supporting members who seek EIS assistance because of work-related issues arising from mental ill-health;
  2. investigate and report on how the EIS might provide support and supervision for such activists to help them maintain their own mental wellbeing;
  3. include consideration of how external providers, such as the charity Education Support, might be involved in such training and/or support and supervision.


47. Edinburgh Local Association

That this AGM note the World Health Organisation’s announcement in April 2023 that 1 in 10 Covid infections results in post-Covid conditions, and resolve to:

  1. investigate and report on the most up to date information relating to rates of long-COVID among teachers in Scotland (or the UK if Scottish figures are not available), compared to other workers;
  2. investigate and report on the most up to date information relating to rates of long-COVID among school-age children in Scotland (or the UK if Scottish figures are not available);
  3. campaign for adequate numbers of HEPA-filters to be fitted, and maintained, to ensure at least four air changes per hour in every classroom and lecture-room in Scotland;
  4. seek to work with the STUC to campaign for similar protections for other workers in Scotland, and with the TUC to campaign for similar protections for teachers and other workers elsewhere in the UK.


48. Fife Local Association

That this AGM call on the Scottish Government and Scottish local authorities to provide an update regarding the progress made on the removal of asbestos in Scotland’s nurseries, schools, and other educational settings.


49. Dumfries and Galloway Local Association

That this AGM call for a comprehensive policy/campaign to ensure that every school in Scotland is equipped with a defibrillator.

Amendment EIS-FELA

After "every school" add "and college campus".


50. Highland Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to:

  1. Investigate and report on the misuse of AI to create deepfakes as a form of harassment of staff.
  2. Share findings of this report.
  3. Use the findings of the report to develop EIS Guidance/policy on their use for members (and Local Associations).
