Salaries Motions

Created on: 30 May 2024 | Last modified: 08 Jun 2024



30. East Renfrewshire Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council:

  1. to campaign for an urgent review of the State Pension Age/Normal Pension Age link established by the Public Service Pensions Act 2013 given the mortality trends since the coronavirus pandemic, which have lowered life expectancy when compared with Government life expectancy forecasts made during the 2015 Scottish Teachers' Pension Scheme reforms, and
  2. To campaign for an urgent review of application of the "economic check" in the Scottish Teachers’ Pension Scheme cost control process established by the Public Service Pensions Act 2013.


31. East Renfrewshire Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to continue to campaign for a significant reduction in members’ workload as part of the Stand Up for Quality Education Campaign, such campaigning to include, but not be limited to, implementation of the Scottish Government's manifesto commitment to reduce class contact time to 21 hours per week and an increase in funding and support for pupils with additional support needs.


32. Midlothian Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to investigate and report on any increase in non-teaching duties due to the reduction in support staff.


33. Midlothian Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to investigate and report on the impact on teachers' workload derived from navigating website blocking systems used by some Local Authorities with  specific respect to accessing sources required for assignments.


34. East Dunbartonshire Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to survey Pastoral Care (Guidance) teachers in Secondary Education, to investigate and report on levels of workload, tasks, responsibilities that cannot be captured in the Job-sizing toolkit, and report findings to Council to inform future campaigning.


35. East Renfrewshire and West Dunbartonshire Local Associations

That this AGM instruct Council to initiate, develop and implement a campaign to continue restoration of members’ pay, in real terms, to that established by "A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century".

As part of this campaign, that this AGM instruct Council to issue information to members on how far members' salaries have declined, in real terms, since implementation of "A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century."


36. Edinburgh Local Association

That this AGM resolve to instruct council to raise the issue of supply teacher pay at the SNCT as soon as possible, with the aim of achieving full pay from day one of any work undertaken by supply staff.


37. Edinburgh Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to:

  1. investigate and report on the extent to which implementation of the provisions of Appendix 2.9 Annex A in Part 2 of the SNCT Handbook (Excepted pupils) is resulting in class size maxima, as laid out in the SNCT, being exceeded;
  2. use the findings of that report to consider whether there is need to campaign for amendments to said appendix and its provisions.


38. Midlothian Local Association

That this AGM instruct Council to investigate and report on the levels of provision of long-term absence cover across Local Authorities. 

Amendment EIS-FELA

After "secondary schools" add "and colleges".


39. Argyll and Bute and West Dunbartonshire Local Associations

That this AGM instruct Council to investigate and report on:

  1. the impact of the current maternity pay on teachers’ welfare and living standards
  2. the funding provision made available in each local authority for Keeping In Touch (KIT) days, to match their commitment through the SNCT of ‘up to 10 days’ while teachers are on maternity leave.


40. Renfrewshire Local Association

That this AGM instruct Salaries Committee to negotiate an addition to SNCT entitlements for teachers who are undergoing fertility treatment to allow them an entitlement to paid leave to attend appointments and to undergo treatment.


41. Renfrewshire Local Association

That this AGM call on Salaries Committee to campaign for an addition to the SNCT terms and conditions to allow for any teacher, partaking in extracurricular activities including residential trips, to be entitled to claim time back in lieu.


42. Renfrewshire Local Association

That this AGM call on Council to investigate and report on the flexibility of teachers' annual leave and consider ways that teachers could utilise their leave at a time of their choosing.


43. Edinburgh Local Association

This AGM resolve to instruct Council to campaign for Computing Science to be reclassified as a practical class within Appendix 2.9 of Part 2 of the SNCT.
