Statutory Ballot - June 2024

Created on: 20 Jun 2024 | Last modified: 21 Jun 2024

The EIS-FELA Statutory Ballot is now open and ballot papers will be dropping through letter boxes asking members to vote YES to both Strike Action and Action Short of Strike to continue their industrial action in pursuit of a fair cost-of-living pay uplift. 

The ballot will run to Monday 22nd July and may be the most important vote members will cast this summer. The EIS will cover the start of the ballot on social media using the hashtag #10DayTurnaround and will be posting through the summer using the hashtag #RememberReballot.

It is crucial that members vote YES to both Strike Action and Action Short of Strike when they receive their ballot paper and post it as soon as possible.

This is the only means of continuing to apply pressure to both College Employers Scotland (CES) and the Scottish Government and to strengthen the position of their negotiating team. It will also ensure that the current industrial action mandate is continuous and can continue after the summer break if there is no resolution.

College lecturers deserve a fair pay award which goes some way to acknowledging the hardship you have faced over the past few years. they are public sector workers and should not be treated differently from other public sector workers.

Don’t Delay, Post Today! EIS-FELA can win and will win! 

If you do not receive your ballot paper by Monday 24th June, contact with your full name, address and college branch.