Created on: 04 Mar 2019
The Extended Joint Chairs group met this morning to further explore options to resolve the current pay impasse. Regrettably, no new offer was made and so we are moving towards the statutory ballot which opens on Monday of next week.
We were informed that Scottish Government Ministers had been briefed on last week’s more positive discussions, including proposals to potentially reach agreement, but that no decision had yet been taken by them on whether an improved offer would be made.
It will be disappointing if Ministers spurn the opportunity to avoid industrial action being required but once again it looks as though EIS members are going to have to demonstrate just how deep the discontent within Scottish Education has been allowed to become. Pay is one issue: beyond that we have excessive workload; lack of support for pupils with ASN; pointless paperwork; growing class sizes and diminishing resources; and teacher stress levels going through the roof.
No-one wants industrial action – but if we aren’t willing to make a stand now, then when will we be?
Whilst no further meeting has been scheduled, the Teachers’ Side was clear that we would be available to meet at any point, should there be a positive response from the politicians.