Created on: 22 Jan 2018 | Last modified: 19 Jan 2024
Scottish Parliament's Education and Culture Committee on the 2016/17 Draft Budget.
25 January 2018Response to the Consultation from the Scottish Parliament's Committee on Local Government & Communities.
25 January 2018This policy paper, following a resolution of the 2004 AGM, set out advice to members on controlling workload and refers to policies on Teacher Professionalism and Working Time (link) and School Development Planning Policy and Advice to Schools.
23 January 2018“This AGM instructs Council to investigate Absence Management Policies in operation and to resist any attempts to remove occupational sick leave and any move to automatic disciplinary action as a result of poor attendance due to ill-health.”
23 January 2018PUBLICATION; ANTI-ABUSE: Teachers and other EIS members working in educational establishments must follow the guidelines of their authorities to protect children who are subject to direct abuse/violence or emotional or sexual abuse.
04 September 2008This AGM instructs Council to put pressure on Local Authorities to establish the principle that teachers have the right to have access to their pay details outwith the workplace.
23 January 2018This paper develops established EIS policy on assessment in the context of A Curriculum for Excellence.
23 January 2018Response to the Scottish Parliament Education and Skills Committee on Additional Support Needs in Schools
24 January 2018Information on our affiliation with the Scottish Friends of Palestine.
25 January 2018The EIS Education and Equality Department undertook a range of activities to investigate the effect of increasing the statutory age for starting primary school to age seven and the development of a compulsory kindergarten stage.
02 July 2019This AGM calls on all Local Authorities and FE colleges to make a clear statement regarding the unacceptability of any aggressive behaviour.
24 January 2018POLICY; ANTI-RACISM: The EIS recognises the importance of anti-racist policies and the role of education in combating racism and xenophobia. The development and implementation of anti-racist policies is the responsibility of every member of the EIS.
24 January 2018The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has been made aware that two UK laboratory supply companies have supplied schools and potentially other users with gauze mats which contain asbestos. The metal gauze mats are designed for use over Bunsen burners.
06 September 2018The EIS has consistently argued in favour of the presumption of mainstreaming; we welcome diversity in classrooms and in educational communities.
02 July 2019Additional Support Needs: Advice on the Roles and Responsibilities of Class Teachers
23 January 2018Formative assessment based on teacher professional judgement should be the central approach until pupils reach the senior phase and are at the stage of sitting qualifications as set by external bodies.
24 September 2018ADVICE; ANTI-RACISM: Advice on supporting initiatives to end racism against asylum seekers and refugees.
24 January 2018Policy Paper on Bi-Level and Multi-Level Classes following AGM Resolution
24 January 2018PUBLICATION; GENDER: As knowledge of teaching and learning improves, it is accompanied by changes in organisation, teaching methods, assessment and curricula, and a greater awareness and understanding of the barriers to education and learning.
18 April 2007Report on how to build membership engagement through CPD opportunities.
25 January 2018Bullying & Harassment: EIS Policy/Advice for Members
20 February 2020POLICY; ANTI-ABUSE: EIS policy document and advice on tackling bullying and harassment in education.
24 January 2018Advice for members, officers and officials on the etiquette to be followed in the conduct of all case, including discipline, grievance and legal matters.
23 January 2018Advice on Education Scotland Statement on CfE and Benchmarks
24 January 2018"This AGM calls upon Council to provide advice to Local Associations on working time agreements which will be affected by the introduction of a Curriculum for Excellence."
23 January 2018ADVICE; ANTI-RACISM: Challenging racism is part of our responsibility as educators. It is about creating a culture of equality and respect. It is about allowing all learners, children and young people to achieve their potential.
24 January 2018A report on the implications, both positive and negative, of all schools having charitable status.
25 January 2018Guidance to "Named Person" legislation.
25 January 2018Agreed advice which clarifies the working relationships between teachers and classroom assistants.
23 January 2018The frequency of this activity and standard of cleanliness will depend on the nature of the business.
23 January 2018Closing the Attainment Gap. 2016 AGM Resolution
24 January 2018The EIS welcomes the investment in establishing and promoting coaching and mentoring initiatives in Scottish education.
23 January 2018This AGM calls upon Council to revise existing guidelines and policy on the appropriate use and potential misuse of communication technologies, including social networking media
24 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate on the application of competency procedures across local authorities and FE Colleges.
24 January 2018Advice on how to respond to compulsory redundancies.
25 January 2018Sets out the entitlement of those on maternity or adoption leave. This should be read in conjunction with either the Maternity Leave or Adoption Leave leaflets.
23 January 2018That this AGM instruct Council to investigate and report on the implications for teachers in Local Authorities who have indicated their intention to withdraw from COSLA.
23 January 2018A report on the AGM resolve to investigate and report on the impact of the Council Tax Freeze on spending on education and other local authority services.
25 January 2018Curriculum for Excellence sets out a requirement for specific attention to be made to the development of literacy and numeracy
23 January 2018Response to Scottish Government Consultation on the Development of a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland
24 January 2018Response to the Scottish Government Discussion Paper on Early Learning and Childcare 11.40 hours Expansion
24 January 2018EIS Response to the Early Learning and Childcare Expansion Consultation.
02 July 2019Written submission on the key elements which are included in the new Education (Scotland) Bill.
25 January 2018In 2022, the EIS approved an updated and expanded policy on Education for Peace.
12 December 2022A detailed freedom of information request was issued to local authorities subsequent to the AGM, and the data received was reviewed by the Education and Equality Department.
02 July 2019Local Association Secretary Briefing August 2019
14 August 2019The EIS welcomes the decision to suspend the introduction of the Education Bill and to seek a more collaborative approach to school governance between local and national government.
03 September 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate the number of education related risk assessment cases in Scotland in the last 3 years which have involved direct Health and Safety Executive intervention.
24 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on the work load and contractual implications for teachers and lecturers of e-learning initiatives.
23 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on the impact of the UK Government’s employment law reforms and further instructs Council to organise a campaign of resistance to any deterioration in members’ employment rights.
24 January 2018EIS Submission to Empowering Schools: A Consultation on the Provision of the Education Bill
31 January 2018Consultation on the Memorandum on Entry Requirements for Initial Teacher Education Programmes in Scotland.
02 July 2019Both FOISA and EIR regulations came into effect from 1 January 2005. This policy paper outlines both sets of regulations and sets out advice for local association secretaries and individual members on use of the regulations.
23 January 2018EIS evidence on the proposed Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill.
28 June 2019In September 2017 the EIS wrote to all Heads of School at Universities offering ITE programmes in Scotland, requesting a discussion of these matters.
02 July 2019Evidence to the Scottish Parliament Education and Skills Committee on CfE Priorities and Challenges
24 January 2018Response to the Scottish Government Consultation A Blueprint for 2020: The Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland
24 January 2018Response to Scottish Government’s Fair Funding Consultation
25 January 2018This AGM calls upon the EIS nationally to develop comprehensive strategies for responding to false and defamatory allegations against teachers and lecturers.
24 January 2018During the summer term, the Education Department emailed all members of the English Subject Specialist Network (six) and Secondary members of Council who teach English (six).
02 July 2019The 2018 AGM passed the following Resolution: “That this AGM instruct Council to investigate and report on models of current forward planning and assessment practices in local authorities and how they relate to workload.”
01 July 2019This AGM instructs Council to seek to ensure agreement is reached to enable the requirements of school and local authority moderation for a Framework for Assessment to be met without detriment to teachers’ contractual working hours.
23 January 2018Response to the Commission of the Future Delivery of Public Services in Scotland
25 January 2018Empowering Teachers, Parents and Communities to Achieve Excellence and Equity in Education.
25 January 2018Resolve to investigate and report on the phenomenon of ‘Groupthink’ and on how training and practices to detect and avoid it might be organised and deployed within the EIS.
25 January 2018Response to GTCS Consultation on the Review of Registration and Standard Rules.
23 January 2018Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on the Future Status of the General Teaching Council for Scotland.
25 January 2018GTCS Council Election Scheme And Process, Do you have any comments on how we could improve awareness and understanding of voting (as compared to registration) categories?
24 January 2018Consultation on the Draft Public Services Reform (General Teaching Council for Scotland) Order 2011.
25 January 2018GTCS Registered Teachers: Classes of Children under the age of 16
24 January 2018PUBLICATION; ANTI-RACISM: There is no one simple definition of Gypsy/Traveller. There are minority ethnic, professional, trade, craft and business communities which travel, each with a rich history, culture, religion, dialect or language.
08 July 2009Response to Consultation on Draft Head Teacher and Training Standards (Scotland) Regulations
24 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate the impact of the UK government’s proposals to deregulate existing H&S protections in the workplace and to organise a campaign to resist any deterioration in staff and pupil’s h&s at work.
24 January 2018This information leaflet sets out “Questions and Answers” on entitlement to this benefit.
23 January 2018Advice to Members on Workload Implications of the HGIOS Family Learning Quality Indicator - AGM 2016 Resolution
24 January 2018This briefing aims to support EIS members in their provision of Holocaust Education.
02 July 2019This document updates and consolidates a number of previous policy papers and policy decisions of the Institute regarding industrial action involving both the Institute and other trade unions.
23 January 2018AGM Resolution 2016: Instrumental Music Teachers: National Qualifications in Music
24 January 2018'INTO Headship' Qualification following 2016 AGM Resolution
24 January 2018ADVICE; ANTI-RACISM & RELIGION: Advice and guidance on combatting Islamophobia and racism against the background of recent events but which apply in any conflict situation.
24 January 2018This policy complements the policy paper “Offensive or Abusive Parents – Advise to Members” and advises members who are subject of complaint on both legal and contractual matters which may arise during such complaints.
23 January 2018Response to Living Wage (Scotland) Bill
25 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on Local Authority insurance protection for staff injured in the course of their duties.
24 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to issue urgent advice to all educational establishments concerning the threat of Lyme Disease in Scotland and the UK.
24 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on management time allocations in schools .
23 January 2018The amount of management time agreed by LNCTs for promoted staff and the actual time allocated
23 January 2018This leaflet includes the Manual Handling Assessment Charts (MAC). MAC is a tool developed to help users identify high risk workplace manual handling activities.
23 January 2018"This AGM instructs Council to review current maternity and paternity provision to ensure that the provision is consistent with best practice in the public sector."
23 January 2018The EIS and SPTC have jointly developed this Memorandum of Understanding to reflect and underpin their joint commitment to partnership working on issues relating to Scottish Education.
25 January 2018This leaflet sets out EIS policy on camera and video phones.
23 January 2018This briefing gives an update on the provision of music in schools, particularly the provision of instrumental music teaching
30 April 2019Agreement between the Educational Institute of Scotland and the Musicians’ Union
25 January 2018This advice is relevant to Secondary members who are teachers, Faculty Heads and PTs of English, SQA Co-ordinators and Headteachers.
29 October 2018N5, Higher and Advanced Higher Courses: Externally Assessable Elements
24 January 2018Interim Report - National Qualifications System: Social Inequalities
24 January 2018Summary of the work of the EIS to date on National Standardised Assessment
24 January 2018New National Standardised Assessment for Literacy and Numeracy
24 January 2018"This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on the contractual working arrangements of newly qualified teachers and in particular on any variations imposed on newly qualified teachers with regard to contractual non class contact time."
23 January 2018The following resolution was carried by the Institute’s Annual General Meeting in June 2014.
25 January 2018EIS Briefing Paper - response to discussions concerning the establishment of a National Improvement Framework for Scottish Education.
23 January 2018EIS Response to Scottish Government Consultation: Nutritional requirements for food and drink in schools.
02 July 2019“This AGM instructs Council to investigate the threat to occupational sick pay as a result of attendance management practices and to campaign and issue advice to members as appropriate.”
23 January 2018All teachers have an absolute right not to be subject to abusive, threatening or violent behaviour.
23 January 2018Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Regulations to Reduce Primary 1 Classes.
25 January 2018Further information on payment during strike action.
25 January 2018EIS Submission to the Call for Views on Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill
06 November 2019"This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on Local Authority policies and procedures in awarding permanent contracts to teachers".
23 January 2018Response to the Education and Skills Committee question.
24 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on what obligatory Personal Protective Equipment should be provided and maintained to protect teachers from injury and risk of entrapment while using equipment in Technical Departments.
24 January 2018This policy paper sets the legal context, the position of employers and advice to members.
23 January 2018PUBLICATION: The EIS has been a major contributor to the debate on the development of comprehensive education in Scotland and in particular the aim of equality of opportunity, access and outcome for all young people.
18 April 2007Submission to Education and Skills Committee's Pre-budget Review of the Performance of Education Scotland
24 January 2018Submission to Education and Skills Committee's Pre-budget Review of the Performance of the Scottish Qualifications Authority
24 January 2018Guidance on the Prevent Duty, Counter-Terrorism Legislation and Preventing Racial or Religious Discrimination
25 January 2018Introduction of the post of Principal Teacher in the primary sector.
23 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate on the implementation of Professional Update across Scotland and to monitor any attempted inappropriate use by employers .
23 January 2018A consultation on Promoting Greater Accountability and Transparency in Local Government.
25 January 2018This AGM calls on Councils to interrogate Scottish Councils on their preparedness for the full introduction of the PVG system in Scotland.
24 January 2018Protocol on Affiliations to Outside Organisations and the Expenditure of Funds During an Election Period.
25 January 2018Submission to Education and Culture Committee's Review of Public Bodies' Spending and Outcomes - Education Scotland
24 January 2018Submission to Education and Culture Committee's Review of Public Bodies' Spending and Outcomes Skills Development Scotland
24 January 2018The Executive Committee confirmed the reaffirmation of Institute policy with regard to the use of PPP/PFI schemes in the rebuilding and refurbishment of Scottish schools.
23 January 2018Pupil Equity Funding(PEF) - Interim Advice to Local Association Secretaries and School Reps
24 January 2018EIS guidance and advice on the pupils strikes in support of climate change action for all members, including headteachers.
14 March 2019Clear guidelines to ensure that, when pupils are displaying serious inappropriate behaviour the care, welfare and right to a safe place of work for the teachers are considered.
23 January 2018“This AGM instructs Council to call upon LAs to ensure that bases and units in mainstream schools supporting pupils with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties apply SNCT Appendix 2.9 of Section 2: Class Size Maxima: 6 Pupils.”
23 January 2018This Council resolves to survey Local Associations to ascertain: the extent to which schools and LAs carry out exercises where pupils and parents are invited to rate the service provided by individual teachers or groups of teachers
24 January 2018Reduction in Educational Psychological Services
24 January 2018The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authorities use a range and mixture of regulatory interventions to improve the management of health and safety risks.
23 January 2018Religious Observance in Schools (RO): Scottish Government Consultation on Changes to the Guidance
24 January 2018Research Capacity Within the EIS
25 January 2018"This AGM rejects the proposition that conducting and/or signing off on risk assessments forms part of a teacher's duties under the 21st Century Agreement."
23 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report whether the Royal Charter of the EIS placed any restriction on the types of motions which may be approved by the Standing Orders Committee.
25 January 2018Development planning forms an integral part of the work of nearly every school in Scotland. Over a number of years the EIS has issued advice, in part to address development planning as a new development in the work of schools.
23 January 2018Response to the Public Petitions Committee: School Libraries
24 January 2018PUBLICATION; RELIGION: The committee decided that it would refer to Catholic/Protestant sectarianism.
18 April 2007Section 21(2)(A) of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980
25 January 2018Workload implications for teachers in schools where there is a shared headship.
23 January 2018EIS Submission to the Smith Commission
25 January 2018Submission to Education and Culture Committee's Review of Public Bodies Spending and Outcomes - Scottish Qualifications Authority
23 January 2018SQA Assessment Changes to N5, Higher and Advanced Higher - frequently asked Questions
24 January 2018“This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on the effect on staffing levels in Local Authorities which receive more than their quota of probationary teachers.”
23 January 2018Response to Education and Culture Committee Consultation on Proposed Stage 2 Amendment to the Education Bill: National Improvement Framework.
23 January 2018Response to Education and Culture Committee Consultation on Proposed Stage 2 Amendment to the Education Bill: Standard for Headship.
23 January 2018Analysis of Local Association Survey Responses on Standardised Tests
24 January 2018Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on draft Statutory Guidance: Standards in Schools etc Act 2000
24 January 2018SUBMISSION: Responding to Scottish Parliament Public Petition PE1573
12 January 2016Submission to Consultation on a Strategy for Education and Training - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
24 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on the use and impact of individual and organisational stress questionnaires across LAs.
24 January 2018EIS response to the Education and Skills Committee Inquiry into Subject Choices
02 July 2019AGM instructs Council to draw up comprehensive advice for teachers/lecturers on all activities involving the supervision of pupils/students outwith educational establishments.
23 January 2018Support for Newly Appointed Teaching Staff
24 January 2018“This AGM instructs Council to investigate the impact of the reduction of support staff on teachers’ working conditions especially in relation to Annex E of the Agreement “A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century.”
23 January 2018Key EIS policy documents and advice on pupil behaviour in Scotland's schools.
23 January 2018PUBLICATION: The STUC have produced this important guide for supporting Trans Employees at work.
29 February 2016"This AGM condemns the lack of employment for newly qualified teachers and instructs Council to campaign against a reduction in teacher numbers."
23 January 2018Key EIS policy paper on teacher professionalism in the context of a devolved Scotland.
23 January 2018This policy paper, approved by EIS Council in October 2008 and updated in 2010, sets out, for the first time, EIS policy and thinking in relation to leadership in schools.
23 January 2018Teacher Workforce Planning for Scotland's Schools
25 January 2018"This AGM calls upon the Salaries Committee to campaign for the right for all teachers to be given a hard copy payslip."
23 January 2018POLICY; DISABILITY: It is important that those with disabilities have the opportunity to fulfil their potential in all areas of learnining and work. The teaching profession should be no different from any other profession in this respect.
24 January 2018PUBLICATION; ANTI-RACISM: Very vulnerable children, many of whom have fled from terrible experiences are being educated in mainstream schools
18 April 2007This AGM instructs Council to prepare a campaign of action to ensure that teachers on temporary contracts are not denied employment rights through deliberate breaks in their continuous contracts
23 January 2018Like all social media platforms, TikTok can be used negatively and can contain inappropriate content.
26 November 2021Consultation on tackling intimidation of non-striking workers.
25 January 2018"This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on the extent to which Local Authorities restrict applications for unpromoted posts to their previous probationers.”
23 January 2018ADVICE; LGBT: This guidance has been updated to take into account the Equality Act 2010
24 January 2018The Employment Relations Committee has produced a number of policies over the years relating to challenging behaviour, violence and physical restraint. The Committee has agreed to bring these documents into a single policy document here.
24 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to review and publish revised advice on working with violent and disruptive pupils and college students.
24 January 2018"This AGM instructs Council to consider ways in which: (i) concerns over excessive workload can be publicised and: (ii) best practice in terms of managing workload can be disseminated."
23 January 2018Initial discussion around developing a workload campaign.
25 January 2018Policy paper on Workplace Bullying
24 January 2018This AGM instructs Council to campaign against the use of zero hours contracts in employment in educational establishments
25 January 2018