Welcome to the Fife Local Association of the EIS
Fife LA provides local advice and support to members along with support and training to school reps. The Fife Executive meets monthly, in term time, to discuss local issues. If you would like to be part of this decision making body please contact the local secretary as outlined above.
Regular newsletters are sent to all Fife members with the latest news and advice. In order to receive this news we ask that your membership or contact information is kept current so that you do not miss out. This can be done by logging into the My EIS section of the national website https://www.eis.org.uk/Account/EISLogin or by emailing the Fife LA office.
If you need to find a rep please contact us on fife@eis.org.uk or 01592 377399.
Invest in Education in Fife; Stop the Cuts
Please sign and share our petition: https://www.change.org/stopschoolcuts
Upcoming Events
Fife EIS Annual Business Meeting, 21/1/25
Mental Health Support
Fife Council's confidential counselling service
Education Support, supporting teachers and education staff
Headspace (teachers qualify for free membership)
Mental health focus and crisis care: support services | EIS
Fife Council Mental Health First Aiders (access through FC intranet)
Non-class Contact Time for Teachers
The Scottish Government pledged to reduce the contact time of Scottish teachers. But to date there has been little progress in implementing this pledge. Time is running out to implement this important measure before the next Scottish election. We're urging members to write to their MSPs. See https://www.eis.org.uk/teacher-workload/emailsnp.
Fife EIS in the News
You can follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/eisfife/ on twitter we are @fife_eis, on Instagram we're instagram/fife.eis. We also have a YouTube channel.